Haruka Furusaka | ふるさかはるか

記録集『土のことづて』 | “Lore of the Land”

  • Publication
  • 2018




『土のことづて : 青森市所蔵作品 + ふるさかはるか展覧会』
編集・執筆:金子由紀子, ふるさかはるか
翻訳:クイーンアンドカンパニー, 高橋秀和
発行:青森公立大学 国際芸術センター青森

The catalogue of the exhibition ” Lore of the Land” has been distributed from Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Aomori Public University. My woodcut works which based on stories about Sami handicraft called Duodji (Sami is indigenous people of Scandinavia) and the actual handicrafts of Aomori City Archives are both exhibited parallel. During the exhibition, I visited many craftsmen/women for listening to their stories and searched the relationships between their handwork and nature. This catalogue carries the essay about the research, which can be the preface of my next woodcut series themed on Aomori.

And the essay about Duodji has been appeared in this catalogue too. My dream became a reality that the essay about Duodji has translated to Sami language and published in Japan. This catalogue is a small book, but my treasure which has been completed spending a lot of time. 

This catalogue has been distributed to art museums and universities of Japan, and has registered at National Diet Library. If you’d like to get this, please inquire of Aomori Contemporary Art Center.


“Lore of the Land : The Aomori City Archives Exhibition with FURUSAKA Haruka”
Text & Edited by KANEKO Yukiko, FURUSAKA Haruka
Design by YOSHIDA Susumu (JItoZU)
Translation by QUEEN & CO., TAKAHASHI Hidekazu
Photographed by NISHIKAWA Koji
Published by Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Aomori Public University
Published on February 28, 2018